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Updated on 9.4.2024
Hi, I'm Goddess Msbjammin' & I need you to know... That, I'm Aware with how a LOT of People... Being Confused & Have led Themselves & Others... into the WRONG Direction... to where They wasn't Minding Their Business... & Wasn't Staying Out of Other people Ways... to where They Felt as if they could just Take... what Doesn't belong to Them, Lie AND... Sell Material that They Studied, Copied, Remixed & Sold those Goods... as if it was theirs... for Their "Come Up".... & Ways to Take Credit for & Profit from. Just Exposing Themselves of Showing All of Us, What They've been Doing & Lying about.
You see, The Universe used their Actions... as Evidence... to showcase the Truth... & I was just showing You what I saw in the Spiritual Realm, to why in this Physical realm, I provided you With side by side videos that are posted here within that I'll guide you to once you gain all of this Goodness to why you're here... & Gaining What The Xoticy Brand Got Going on, So... Now, you know. let's keep sliding & Gaining the Truth.
There Are So Many People.... who are witness to the MANY Attacks Against Me, in So MANY Ways because The Universe selected those people to be witness for the side of Truth since the attacks when I was born.
Y'all.... There are Groups of People... Who Tried to Destroy My Characteristics since I was born. My Reparation, My Appearance, My Voice, My Hair, The Way I Jam, My Teeth, The Xoticy Brand, Xoticy, Xoticy Armor likeness, My Soulful Connections & Etc. Before They really found out Who I Really Am. They took my kindness as weakness. When those people were Told of Who I Am by others, They didn't want to believe the Truth, so they acted As if I Didn't Know Who I Am.... & started Attacking Me, Lying on & Lying About Me... Grouping Themselves together to view me in ways that I'm NOT. All because they didn't want to believe the Truth of Me & tried to confuse me of not knowing who I Am . So, they thought they could just counterfeit me, turn people to be against me, stole from me, tried to dance like me, teach like me & etc.... to get people to view me as if, I was supposed to be stupid/dumb. Come to find out, That Nope.... I'm Far from fuckin' Stupid or dumb.
So, when the Truth of Who I Am, Finally hit those people view site... They'll Actually See me Glowing... Then My Glow will show those people that I've always known Who I Am. Just because I'm Not a Pretender & acting in some way a lot of people tried To dislike me for... & tried to force me to be... they didn't want to believe the Truth of Who I Am, Caused them to Group they miserable Asses together to Attack me & Got Defeated... because of Who I Am. The Truth just placed itself, into the centers of those people eyes & My Light just shinned Really Bright... to where Those people Gained the Truth of Who I Am & they are in Shock.
I got a New Name. My new Name came with My Elevation from The Universe... from Earth Angel to Goddess. I'm Goddess Msbjammin'. Hi.
So, because I have a lot of dots that Connects to a Lot of dots that Shines Truth on All the pieces to the liars Game... & on all their players, To where Everybody can See, Hear & Know The Truth. A Lot of people are going to Want... to talk about this Greatness I'm sharing because y'all got dots that connects to a Lot of dots. So, because of that... I ask that Y'all, Be Truthful, Respectful, Honest, Have No Secrets, Give No Shade & Or Etc. When speaking about Anything dealing with Myself, Xoticy & The Xoticy Brand. Be 200% Genuine, Peaceful, Kind, Loving, Truthful & Straightforward. Speak & show Only the Truth. If you have self-hate, if you can't comprehend, if you don't like to receive, If you don't like the truth & if you don't have any facts/evidence/truthful receipts then just Stay quiet.
I Am Riding My Wave, Alone... & if Anyone want to take a slide to Gain, Grow & Jam in my/ Xoticy Dance Genres Kind of Ways... in Msbjammin/Xoticy Services & or Come see Myself & The Msbjammin' Performers Live Performance can do so, By Purchasing Admission to attend The Xoticy Brand Services & or Events... that fits what it is You Want, to participant in. Msbjammin'/Xoticy Participant Guidelines, Terms, Conditions, Policies, Waiver & Agreements Apply. That's why I've placed My Purpose in the form of Xoticy Services, so that You can do just that for personal use only.
All Xoticy, The Xoticy Brand & Msbjammin' Admission & Merchandise Purchases are to be Purchased on Only.
If anyone is trying to sell me anything & or try to manipulate me to saying a word they've been trying to record me of saying... so the recording could be used to steal from Me. Nope.... Not Happening. The Universe Smacked that Plan out the way. Don't Try to sell Me, Xoticy & or The Xoticy Brand Anything & or feel that because You made something & or did something, that I'm supposed to buy it & or let you do what you want with anything dealing with what I got going on... No. EVERYTHING dealing with Xoticy is from within Me & sold from the Get You Some Boutique.
If anyone is inspired By Me/Xoticy/ The Xoticy Brand & Want to Provide & Create a Gift for Me of their Talents with genuine Love Attached, That's Dope. I Only Want & will receive Genuine Gifts Only.... & if I Love the item/Gift So Much, to where I want to share the Gift with XA to purchase... on then I'll see about making that happen. The received Gift(s), must be from Naturally Gifted & Talented Designers... Who have The Passion & Skills to share their creation on this Land.... in this physical Realm with others. So, if that's you & The Xoticy Brand, Xoticy & or Myself Inspired you to Gift us something, Send us the back story of the design, as in picture or video of your inspiration, because I want to see the start & have the finish product to keep them together. Once your creation is completed, to where You're Satisfied on Everyone Knowing the Gift that is gifted to me, Came from You... with the opinion of possibly selling the Gift on Contact me below. Please Do Not just hand me gifts randomly because I don't like to feel rushed. Just email me if you will like to send me a Gift.
Donations/Tips are accepted as Gifts as well via Cash App $Monbjammin Thank You in Advance.
My Past is My Past & That's where that Mutha Fucka is Staying. Too Many people tried attaching themselves to Me, just to take & be connected to My... Perks... that they asses are NOT connected to in a good way. All they wanted was to Take... Not given No Fucks about Me, just wanted what comes with Me. I Know... That's So Fucked Up & Disgusting. All because they found out Who I Am & Thought... That I didn't Know Who I Am because I don't Act how so Many people felt that I should, Instead of just Imbracing me for who & How I Am. If only those people realized, that I was placed in their life for them to see how Greedy, Selfish & Disrespectful they are... to fix themselves, instead.... they continue to play in people faces... & for all those people who tried to Cover me up... Not realizing that More people Already See My Light & saw those people trying to attach themselves to me. People... & their smear campaigns, following my every move & Now those people trying to hide because, Now they're Exposed... for trying to hide Me/Trap Me & etc.... because They Never wanted Me to Shine in My Own Light. Oh Well, Too Bad for them... Cause I'm Shinning Bright then a Mutha Fucka & Nobody is able to stop me or dim my light.
The Funny Part is that Everyone who tried to attach themselves to me, gave evidence, Exposing themselves from their actions attaching themselves to me. All of my enemies have Exposed themselves to Everyone they tried to play Hard, Tough & Smart in front of. The Universe Really Does Have The Last Laugh... because The Whole Exposing Themselves & them connected to each other is Funny in itself. All of them tried to destroy me & my seeds & have failed.
The Universe did Provide a few Peaceful Souls who I didn't ask to help me, who just gave a helping hand & Opened their doors Genuinely for me. I Know those people have been receiving gifts after I moved on to my next assignment. A family of dope people that I've selected not the ones who were "assigned" to me.
Every person that The Universe placed me in front of, of whom I asked to help me... Either didn't, Lied about why they couldn't, Played as if they were going to & said that they Wasn't available at the last minute & if they did open their doors... they Genuinely Didn't Want me there or was trying to use me to get more money in some way.... & made sure I knew that they didn't want me there... with their Manipulation actions & bullying tactics. The only reason why I was there at those places, is so that I can see how those people were trying to use themselves... as some savior in my Rise.... Because the only reason they tried to attach themselves to me & acted as if they like me/was supposed to have been there for me... was just for the Perks that comes with me & to paint themselves as who they are Not. The Funny part is how The people who tried to attach themselves to me didn't realize how much Attention is really on me... in secrets & once those people took a step in my light, They asses Couldn't handle how Bright My Light Shines... & how Many people are Actually & Naturally drawn to me... & They asses got mad at Me, because they asses can't handle How Bright my Light is.... because My Light Exposed they asses... but yet the only reason they've tried to attach themselves to me is because they've trying to get what they asses can't handle from me & what belongs to me. They don't want anyone to view me from the Truth of Me & way they grouped themselves together and passed around lies.
The Funny part is how those people have recently realized the test they Failed when it came to Me. Those bragging points & so-called connection stories, those people were going to try to use... of trying to attach themselves to Me.... to try to prove as if they know Me.... When all they did was get to know a little about me, from someone else... Act as if they liked me, tried to trap themselves to me and their actions has turned into evidence of their abuse, Manipulation, Gaslighting, Lying & Etc. Against Me. There are So Many People who's involved to where it grew into a Organized Crime Ring. Dots, Connected to Dots, That Connected to People, That Connected to their Lies, that Connected to the persons who tried to sell My Artistry for their come up... to so-called family members & fake ass never was friends... how All their Dots connected itself to each other to why The Entire Fuckin' Crime Ring is Caught & Exposed. Jail? Naw.. Prison.
The Universe Worked that Crime Ring Exposure in Mysterious Ways, Cause All They Asses is Assed Out. They wanted to be connected to me So badly... to where they pretended to like me, just to try to take from Me... & destroy my reputation trying to destroy the Truth of me with their made up lies & false documents. The Universe allow them to set they asses up to get trapped in their own webs... just to be exposed to show the people who wasn't a witness... How when The Universe says Don't Touch The Anointed & Don't Do My Prophets No Harm... Those foolish Mutha Fuckas didn't at heed to the Truth & Now they paying for it, Cause as I Shine, My Light shines on everyone who's against Me & we're all able to see who they are.
Listen, There are people who tried to place spells on me... & they're Pissed Off Mad... that their spells backfired & then they're trying to blame Me for their spells Against Me, Not working... & now they Fucked... because those spells hitting They asses HARD. If they would have NEVER tried to curse Me, Then they would have never cursed themselves & or their Groups. I've been minding My Own Purpose... of what they Asses should have been doing too of theirs. I'm Not their Problem... they Are.
The whole point of a test... is to see how genuine people do without given the answers. You See, I've been hidden in plain sight, because everyone who saw me Glowing either, Imbraced Me, Tried to dem my light, Tried to mimic me, Tried to turn people away and against me because I Glow & They never seen anyone Glow. The people who were trying to hide me are trying to find their way into my space & I'm NOT Interested.
How did they Fail their Test? Because they were trying to Take from Me, instead of fixing themselves. My Light Shine So Bright to Where All of Their Tricks they use to play in people faces, I Saw All of them & They were pissed that I Saw them. So instead of Facing themselves, I became a Threat, that started Many of those smear campaigns, to why... so Many people, have to get to know me on their own... because most of what was told to people about me, are All Lies.
So, To those who's waiting to use what they "have" on me to try to stand in my light with me... after they tried to hide me & hide the Truth of me... from the moment I was birth onto this Physical realm. Many of those people Tried So Hard.... to keep Me from knowing Who I Am. And before they even knew that I already know, Shocked a Lot of people, when they realized that I always knew Who I Am. Those lies had people minds fucked all the way up about me. So, to all of you who just realized that My Light Shines So Bright that it also shines on my enemies/ My Enemies know to keep our non existing relationships where they are & those people who felt like they had a hold on me, trying to make ways for their "come up" from Me. The sick part is that there are people who just didn't want me to have anything... it didn't matter what it was, if it was mine they took it or destroyed it. Why? because they're mentally sick. Listen, NOPE. Those people know to Leave Me The Entire Fuck Alone. My light is too bright for them anyway... Plus I got Brighter, So they really Can't come my way. I'm sure they don't want to Now, because they don't look Good in my light, going by their actions toward me. People outside of Me, made promises to other people about what belongs to me as if they can give it to those people when I don't even fuck with people who made those promises. Now, all those people have realized that they did all that dirty work for a person who Lied to them just to have control over them to come against me. It's so interesting how so many people felt the need to add me in their lies. That's Sad & their sick.
I Love Reaching Newer levels of My Greatness.
My Frequencies are So High, I'm Flying,...I Know you can feel Me... Cause My Powers Got STRONGER.
Nope, Nobody can hold on to me unless I want them to. So, for those who's trying to... Stop Reaching. DEAD Weight is Not Allowed to be attached to me, No matter how hard anyone try's NOPE.
So, because... so Many people have Dots to where there is So Much to Talk about... & Everything Must Come out Cause The Universe is Cleansing Everyone's Frequencies, to where people Must get everything they know Out of their systems. So, Make sure when you're sharing your Dots... Be Genuine, Righteous, Respectful & Truthful. Nope, there is No Allegedly that comes from Me, EVERYTHING on & is The Truth. Nobody found any dots on me that connected to anything or anyone... to way I was being attacked by those groups of liars... who got Exposed of attacking me. The Universe is so Funny for exposing those people in this way.... The Universe Won at their Game..... by using Me, To expose they asses.... That's Funny in itself.
For Those of you who like Msbjammin' Services & The Xoticy Brand Marketing... Thank You! I Love Expressing My Creativity. I design & create my & Xoticy Marketing, I'm the Designer for The Xoticy Brand & Director of What we be doing all up in Xoticy.
No Worries, I CANOT be Sacrificed. Everyone who tried & or is still trying to sacrificedme... has place themselves to be sacrificed from The Universe.
So, yeah... go ahead speak on The Universe using Me to Defeat My/our enemies... & what dot you Got that showed you the Truth... & if your dot connects to Myself, The Xoticy Brand & or Xoticy... Just Make sure that whoever you sharing that dot with, Make sure they know to Slide... to Cool? Cool!
Here's a few videos that I've posted to provide people with Wisdom, Signs & Warnings. More videos are posted on
All those Dots... The Universe Is So Funny.
If you're looking to Interview me about The Xoticy Brand, Xoticy & or about Myself for your Audience Click Here
If you're already here on & you want to share your Dot with us & possibly get your Dot posted below Just Click Here
To See the Side by Side Video Evidence, Exposing Many of people from those Many of Groups who's been attacking me, Copying me, Selling what they studied & Had no business Showcasing, Teaching, Taking Credit for & or Profiting off of, while lying to y'all. To see those videos... Click Here
Have A Great Day!
If Anything that Monica Wilson have shared with you, that may have motivated you, uplifted you, assist you to want to be a better you, inspired you to get up & get your dance on & or whatever... Share your Thank you & Appreciations by sending Donations to Monica Wilson, via Cash App $Monbjammin Stay Connected with Xoticy to gain Knowledge about updates on upcoming Xoticy Services, Performances, Events, to inter into our random Raffle & More, so... Inter Your email address. If you are here to just be nosy, don't inter your email address. Thank you for your respect.
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Xoticy® Participant Guidelines, Terms, Conditions, Policies, Waiver & Agreements Apply.
Xoticy® Marketing & Website wording Created by & from Goddess Msbjammin' better known as
Monica Wilson, of Xoticy.
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