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Xoticy is So Much More than dance classes, because Goddess Msbjammin' Natural Abilities to heal... reaches the roots of people to cleanse hidden hurt & pain, in an unexpected & fun kind of ways. Xoticy Services are for Participants, who are of zero to professional dance levels, who are of all shapes, sizes & skin tones... who can hold their own weight. Xoticy Instructor, Goddess Msbjammin' uses her Artistry, as her tools to assist participants into their life - changing Xperiences to Continue, to reach Newer levels of their Greatness while jammin' in Xoticy Stylized Kind of Ways, for personal use only.
The Xoticy Brand is the Gift from The Most High/Creator & Mother Earth/Nature, when you put them two together, you'll have The Universe... Your Spiritual Parents. The Xoticy Brand is from The Universe, for Goddess Msbjammin' to operate & provide for the Souls on this Land, who's having a Physical Realm Xperience to reach Newer levels of their Greatness, in Goddess Msbjammin'/Xoticy Dance Genre's unique & Stylized Purpose kind of ways, for personal use only.
Xoticy® is Operated, Instructed, Created, Directed, Designed & So Much More... from within Goddess Msbjammin'. Yes, Monica Denise Wilson of Xoticy is a True living Goddess, who is an Anointed Prophet... who lives in the High Consciousness of the Spiritual realm, who's sent to this Physical Realm to guide You, to the Truth & into reaching Newer Levels of YOUR Greatness... in Goddess Msbjammin' Stylized & Unique 1 of A Kind's, & fun Kind of Ways... Known as Goddess Msbjammin' & The Xoticy Brand Purpose.
Xoticy® foundation has been created from Goddess Msbjammin' natural sex appeal/sensualness, ideas, skills & natural Talents. When Goddess Msbjammin' started wearing Msbjammin' leg warmers up to Msbjammin' thighs, with Msbjammin' leotard/bodysuit and tights on.... Msbjammin' Sliding on the floors starting in 1982... just doing & being Msbjammin' Randomness... Performing & Chillin' in Msbjammin' Purpose. As moments went by, Goddess Msbjammin' started assisting Souls to Jammin' in Msbjammin' Stylized kind of ways... that has created The Xoticy® Brand Foundation, The Xoticy Armor, Msbjammin' Dance Studio, Msbjammin' Dance Co, The Msbjammin' Performers & all that's continuing to be produced... by & that is of Msbjammin', is so that Goddess Msbjammin' can continue to share all of Msbjammin' greatness with you within & as Xoticy® & Msbjammin' Services & Events.
Goddess Msbjammin' Spiritual Gifts of natural Healing, has been inserted into Xoticy® Services while Msbjammin' instructs participants, who participants in Xoticy Services, into their Newer levels of Greatness. Xoticy® Services are Not to provide anyone with confidence, because Everyone is created with their own level of confidence, depending on their vibration/frequency/consciousness levels. Xoticy® Services are to Recharge the Confidence of the Participants in Xoticy Services, to reach higher frequencies & consciousness levels that Goddess Msbjammin' has the tools to assist... and provide. So, whatever level of confidence the interested Participants of Xoticy Services have, will Reach Newer & Higher levels of Their Confidence, within each completed Xoticy® Services Xpeditions, Guaranteed.
Xoticy® Instructor Goddess Msbjammin' Created a Foundation of Genuine Peace, Joy, Truth, laughs as well as Created a Place full of Love, Fun & Growth... for people who are Born & Living Women & for people who are Born & Living Men, who doesn't dress as the opposite gender... who's 25 years & wiser, who's looking for different ways to either...
Goddess Msbjammin' has spiritual powers, that heals & provides Greatness within XA.
Msbjammin' is 1 of a kind & Xtremely Unique. Meaning Msbjammin' is Not & doesn't operate Xoticy® in ways that you may be accustomed to. Msbjammin', Xoticy® & Participants of Xoticy Services are Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally & Physically some Grown Ass Adults. Msbjammin' will Not change who the Fuck Goddess Msbjammin' is for You... & Msbjammin' is Not asking You to change who the Fuck You are, for Goddess Msbjammin'. Your Frequency level will inform You, if Goddess Msbjammin' & Xoticy® Frequencies are too High & too Truthful for you to handle... & if your frequencies is able to Imbrace Goddess Msbjammin' & Xoticy® Truthfulness.... & High Frequencies, then you'll be able to rise to Newer levels of your Greatness, By You Wanting & being able to imbrace Goddess Msbjammin' & How Unique & Authentic The Xoticy® Brand is as a whole.
Xoticy® Services & Etc. are for the required gender & age range listed on the Xoticy® Service Xpeditions & Events. If you are here on to participate in Xoticy® Services & or you're just looking... Keep in Mind that Xoticy® Participant Guidelines, Terms, Conditions, Policies, Waiver & Agreements Applies to you as well.
Yes, I'm also Xoticy®... & I'm Your Gift from The Universe in the form of Xoticy Services within The Xoticy Brand. I'm operated by Goddess Msbjammin' & cared for by Xoticy Staff, selected interns, Trainers & Instructors of Msbjammin' Dance Studio/Co. who follows the lead of The Xoticy Brand's Operations Staff Requirements. I only make sense to those who naturally have sense... Meaning to those who are Truthful. So, if I make Sense to you, then You are where you belong, here with us Gaining, Growing & Jammin' within The Xoticy® Brand.
Goddess Msbjammin' & The Xoticy® Brand, are looking forward to You, Reaching Newer Levels of Your Greatness & rising into High Frequencies & Consciousness, in our 1 of a kind, Stylized, Kind of Many Ways. So, Again We welcome you to gaining the knowledge about The Xoticy® Brand... Known as a Branch from Goddess Msbjammin' Root & Purpose.
Continue strengthening your braincells on your own... by continuing to read & gain all there is to know about The Xoticy® Brand & the upcoming Xoticy Services, that you'll be purchasing intry admission to participate in & or purchasing intry admission to watch what we got going on during our Live performances. We, as in Msbjammin' & The Xoticy Brand are looking forward to you Participating in Xoticy Services & or for Goddess Msbjammin' & The Msbjammin' Performers to be Jammin' in front you.
~ Xoticy®
In 1997 Msbjammin' decided to do something really Random by allowing what she spiritual sees to become her reality... & in 1998 Msbjammin' started performing her randomness/Msbjammin' Sequences/Floor Techniques in front of Live Audiences starting in Detroit, Mi. In 1999 is when Msbjammin' Created the Monica Wilson Dance Classes Foundation & started hosting classes teaching Goddess Msbjammin' Sequences/Floor Techniques for women who were 18 years & wiser for personal use only in the year 2000. In 2001 Msbjammin' created the Monica Wilson Mentorship for the student's personal use & in 2002 is when Msbjammin' started operating & showcasing Msbjammin' Sequences in front of audiences with what is now, the Msbjammin' Dance Co.
In the year of 2009, Msbjammin' started operating Msbjammin' Services under the name Xoticy, That Created The Xoticy Brand. Where Msbjammin' Instruct Xoticy Services in Atlanta, Ga from 2007-2017. Due to so many women saying they couldn't wait to participate in Xoticy Services... is why Msbjammin' Created The Xoticy Tour in the year of 2012 & began Traveling in 2013.
Goddess Msbjammin' had to take a break from teaching Xoticy Services to do Her Goddess Assignments on Providing Souls, the Truth while Defeating the enemies who were attacking Msbjammin' & Msbjammin' Purpose.
Goddess Msbjammin' uses her spiritual powers to rise Goddess Msbjammin' Tribe into higher frequencies & Higher Consciousness. During that 7-year (2016 - 2023) Tribulation of Goddess Msbjammin' Providing the Truth, Exposing & Defeating the enemies, has Caused Many of Souls on this Land, to return back to the Truth of themselves/The Universe, away from the lies & No longer being deceived by Liars.
In 2019 Goddess Msbjammin' relocated back to the State of Michigan to continue her Purpose, where Goddess Msbjammin' Resides today.
Goddess Msbjammin', Xoticy & The Xoticy Brand has returned to Providing viewers & Participants of the Xoticy Services, Tools to reach even Newer levels of their Greatness, As Goddess Msbjammin' Leads the souls who are sent Goddess Msbjammin' ways, to Continue... to Gain, Grow & Jam in Goddess Msbjammin' / Xoticy Dance Genre's High Frequencies.... Kind of ways, for the Betterment of the participant of Xoticy Services & Events... for Personal Use Only.
Goddess Msbjammin' will have you Laughing, Jammin' & Sweating all in one moment. So, if Msbjammin' Kind of fun is where you're trying to be... then Goddess Msbjammin' will make sure Xoticy Kind of Fun, is where you'll be. Just keep rockin' with Xoticy, because Goddess Msbjammin' is a Whole Xperience.
Msbjammin' Loves to Travel around & on our Lands, so that New & Returning, Participants of Xoticy Services... can continue to Gain, Grow & Jam in Xoticy Dance Genre's, 1 of a Kind, Kind of Ways for Personal Use Only. The Rented locations/Venues are rented from Xoticy for the moment of the rental space only. Rental Locations/Venues are Not affiliated with Msbjammin' & or with Xoticy. Rental locations do NOT have permission to teach, Study, Copy, Remix, profit from, Take credit for, Steal & or is not able to showcase Msbjammin'/Xoticy Likeness, Concepts, Sequences/Floor Techniques & any material belonging to Msbjammin'/Xoticy because those actions have always been Strictly Prohibited.
Goddess Msbjammin' has some unique Gifts that Motivates viewers of Goddess Msbjammin' Artistry to want to get up & Jam & start to feel their Truthfulness, just by watching Goddess Msbjammin' do her thang. Goddess Msbjammin' also inspires people to want to be better people with the wisdom she shares. Goddess Msbjammin' Strengthens the brain cells within people, so that their unknown & knowing Blockish, can disappear out of the ways of those people personal growth. Goddess Msbjammin' is a Natural Healer, who Heals the souls of people just from the good energy that comes from Msbjammin', While shining, The Universe light... that lives within Goddess Msbjammin'... as one of Msbjammin' Purposes.
Goddess Msbjammin' is So Powerful that she's able to piss off everyone who is Not truthful within themselves... just by walking into a room. While in the same moment, motivate people to be their Truthful & Authentic Self's, by Goddess Msbjammin' being her authenticity self.
One of Goddess Msbjammin' Purposes, is to just be Goddess Msbjammin' Authentic Self.
Come Gain, Grow & Jam with Goddess Msbjammin' by Participating in Xoticy Services for your Personal Use Only.
"It's Always Best to get to know Me on Your Own, because due to My spiritual light, My Natural Talents, My Spiritual Gifts, My Purpose, The Wisdom I Have, My Abilities to see the root of people & The Goddess of Who I Am... has caused Many of people to blame their envious & jealousy toward me... to where they have tried to turn as Many people as Possible, away from & against me... with their lies & false perceptions. So, I ask that you get to know Me & Everyone else On Your Own. So that, you won't become company, to miserable people, who's just in their own way, trying to keep You stuck... in their misery of lies, trying to keep you away from the Truth & in low frequencies with them. So, get to know people on your own, that way you will Always gain the truth about someone from them.... because everyone always exposes who they really are, unknowingly... You just must be observant to notice... Got it? Cool!
Now, that you're here on just keep getting Liberated, because I know you feel all this Goodness. I'll see you Jammin' in Xoticy Upcoming Services & or I'll be Jammin' in front of you, Shaking, Rollin my Booty & My body. So, purchase available Admission before the end Dates & I'll see you soon. ~ Goddess Msbjammin'
The Interested Participants must be of the required Age, Gender & Xpeditions Level.
Here's some background knowledge.
The Xoticy Brand is Truthful, Direct, Notices Issues/Blockish & provide solutions.
Purchasing an Xoticy Service Admission, is Only for the Intry... into the Xoticy Service(s) or Event(s), that is for the Participant to be instructed by & taught by Goddess Msbjammin'.... Msbjammin' customized Sequence(s) for Personal Use Only.
Well... let's get a little deeper about the feel of Xoticy first. The Xoticy Brand, is full of Goddess Msbjammin's Sensual & Sexual High Frequencies... in a Respectful, Not Lusting, Just... you able, to Imbrace Goddess Msbjammin' Artistry... for what Msbjammin' Sequences, provides.... that So happens, to make you feel so good from imbracing, what is provided from Goddess Msbjammin'. With that being said, Xoticy Services are for people who have the ability & Want... to move their bodies, in Xoticy Dance Genre's kind of ways, that feels So Good to those kind of people. So, if you are someone who likes to watch Natural Talent, in the form of Goddess Msbjammin' Artistry... Can do so, by attending Xoticy Presents... The Msbjammin' Performers, Live Performances & or by participating in Xoticy Services & Events. So...
Just to list a few
Participants comes to Xoticy® for Many Different personal reasons.
For Xample...
Xoticy® Dance Genre's Customized Sequences, are taught and shown & have Always been taught & shown by & from Msbjammin'... For Personal Use Only. People participant in Xoticy Services to
Thank you in advance for respecting Msbjammin' Artistry & the Xoticy Brand Purpose for your personal use.
A New Participant
A Returning Participant,
Active Participants
Yes, Xoticy® logos has changed. However, The Xoticy Brand color scheme has always been Pink, Black, White & Greys selected by Goddess Msbjammin' since 1998.
We here, within The Xoticy Brand are Not an organization/occult/community/group/gang/religion/Industry of Any kind. We're Not even some Public Figure nor some influencer. The Xoticy Brand provides our 1 of a Kind Services for XA to come Gain, Grow & Jam for personal use only. To be clear... The Xoticy Brand have Services & Events for participants to participant in.
Well, first we here at Xoticy® will like to say that We Appreciate You in Advance for wanting to Sow into us... with funds for our very own Establishments. With Our own Establishments, Msbjammin' can do So Much More with Souls on reaching their newer levels of greatness.
All Donations/Tips are given to Xoticy & Msbjammin' for Genuine reasons only. Not for a return and or favor. We don't accept anything other than Genuine nonrefundable Funds from Soulful Souls as Donations /Tips. Thank You again in Advance for Sowing into Goddess Msbjammin' & The Xoticy Brand.
~ Xoticy
Personal Use Only Means
All material belonging to Msbjammin' & Xoticy... as well as listed on, on, on & Seen on Msbjammin' can NOT be studied, copied, profited, remixed, shown & or taught outside of Msbjammin's Teaching & Approval.
The reason for Msbjammin' Artistry is to be viewed... is for the purpose to imbrace & respect Msbjammin' Artistry. If anyone want to Jam in Goddess Msbjammin' stylized kind of ways, then they need to participant in Xoticy® Services & be taught by Goddess Msbjammin' for personal use only.
Personal Use Only
Teaching, Performing, Showing, Profiting, receiving credit... outside of Msbjammin' Teaching & Approval is... & has Always been Strictly Prohibited.
Xoticy® Operations Days
Our online operation days & hours are known as
Xoticy® will be operating from the original 13 month calendar with 28 days very soon. So, make sure you gain this correct Knowledge. Subscribe below to, to stay updated.
One full day
We're aware that many of people have tried to play on the minds of many of Souls... and have tried to manipulate people minds on thinking that how, Goddess Msbjammin' Jams, supposed to have "came" from strippers or that's supposed to be how Topless dancers or how strippers supposed to Dance. When Actually, Msbjammin' previously was a Topless Dancer for 3 years 1998-Mid 2002... just for fun. Topless Dancers or Strippers wasn't Jammin' as Goddess Msbjammin' before Msbjammin'... Maybe they are trying to jam as Msbjammin' now of days after the year of 1998... due to the Many counterfeits who have tried to make excuses, to why they started copying & trying to be as Goddess Msbjammin' and have tried to dance in Xoticy Dance Genres kind of ways, for their "come up" & attention seeking... While exposing themselves, of showcasing Msbjammin' Sequences that they've... secretly Studied, Copied, Remixed & Can't even do Correctly... because those counterfeits wasn't taught by Msbjammin' to be able to do Goddess Msbjammin' Sequences Correctly... for the purpose of showcasing Msbjammin' Artistry without the teaching & Approval from Goddess Msbjammin'.
Goddess Msbjammin' has been Jammin' in Xoticy Dance Genres, Stylized Kind of ways Publicly on stages in 1998. That's No Secret... Msbjammin' Has shared Msbjammin' Journey within Many people tried to block Msbjammin' & tried to paint Goddess Msbjammin' in so many different ways, to put a nasty taste in the deceived people mouths to try to turn people away from the Truth of Goddess Msbjammin'... However, that was Never going to happen because the Truth came out and all those people who were deceived by those many of liars.... Now know the Truth of who & How Goddess Msbjammin' is... & who Msbjammin' enemies are/have been & What Goddess Msbjammin' has done to protect You & defeat those people who are of the Jezebell spirit who's full of Envious and Jealously.
Msbjammin' Artistry & Xoticy® Services is Not for anyone who wants to be /is a Stripper, or for Topless Dancers. Xoticy Dance Genres are Not for anyone to showcase as their performances, lap dances Choreography and or whatever else, NO! Goddess Msbjammin' Artistry is Shown & Taught by Msbjammin' For Personal Use Only & Has Always Been for personal use only & Not for topless dancers or strippers.
Xoticy® Services is for the Everyday Born & Living Women, & Mature Men as their Born & Living self... to Come Reach Newer Levels of Their Greatness from within The Xoticy Brand... in Goddess Msbjammin' Stylized, 1 of a Kind, kind of ways. Known as Goddess Msbjammin' Purpose & Xoticy Dance Genres.
Our Xoticy Private Parties have returned & are booked by approved schedule appointments only. To gain more knowledge about Xoticy Private Parties Click Here
Contact Us for Xoticy® Services inquires, within the contact tab here at
keep in mind
That's Dope that you're interested in wanting to be a part of assisting XA, by following The Xoticy Brand requirements, for the intern, Trainer, or Instructor position... to provide the position responsibilities, if selected as an Intern, Staff, Trainer or Instructor position. We are accepting Applications at this moment, to gain more knowledge Just Click Here
The background sounds that is heard within any Xoticy® & or Msbjammin' Services/Events are from Souls, who's created... by The Universe... Who creates the Pureness of Sounds... by using the Gifts & Natural Talents from within themselves that provides such Greatness from The Universe for the pleasure of all who listens to those Good Sounds.
Goddess Msbjammin' Purpose has Been Showcasing... Goddess Msbjammin' Talents & the Light that lives within Goddess Msbjammin' while Jammin' with The Background Sounds, selected for the purpose of the Sounds being heard.
The way Msbjammin' naturally moves creates magnificent visuals that paints remarkable pictures of Msbjammin' Unique Artistry. Take a look at a few of Xoticy Signature Sequences & Floor Techniques. Click Here
Xoticy Participants be having so much fun Gaining, Growing & Jammin' & a few of them wanted to share their fun with You... Click Here to read & view some of our XOMONIALS from pervious Participants of Xoticy Services.
Check Out Photos of pervious Participants of Xoticy Services during Xoticy Services starting in
the year of 2007 by Clicking Here
To inter, is for persons... who are 25 years & wiser, Who Want to & Will, participant in Xoticy Service if, given a Free Xoticy Cherry Popper Card, for the intry into the Xoticy Refresh Tour... or a Free Audition intry Admission, into the Msbjammin' Performers Audition... for the locations of the Winning drawings, that is from the Xoticy Random Raffle Drawing. Winners are notified from the email address provided. Xoticy Participation Guidelines, Terms, Conditions, Policies, Waiver & Agreements Applies.
Raffle Drawings
Drawing Dates
Raffle Drawing Winners
Copyright © 1979-2025 - All Rights Reserved.
Xoticy® Participant Guidelines, Terms, Conditions, Policies, Waiver & Agreements Apply.
Xoticy® Marketing & Website wording Created by & from Goddess Msbjammin' better known as
Monica Wilson, of Xoticy.
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